We are currently seeking applicants for the position of
Surveyor experienced in railway surveying
We require:
experience in terrain or cameral railway investment surveying services (min. 6 months)
qualifications/ skills to draw up the documentation for railway investments
effective team player
Reliable and responsible
Driving License Cat. B
surveying license will be an assent
We offer:
full time job on the post: Work Group Leader or Surveying Group Leader
career development
professional trainings
attractive remuneration
Please send your CV and covering letter (with the note below) if you satisfy the criteria.
Pursuant to Article 23.1.1 of the Personal Data Protection Act of 29 August 1997 (Dziennik Ustaw nr 133, poz. 833 et al.) I hereby agree to my personal data being processed for the purpose of job recruitment.e z Ustawą z dn. 29.08.97 o Ochronie danych Osobowych Dz. U. nr 133 poz. 883 z póżn. zm.).